Almost 6 years since the last entry.
One might think I gave up the middle-ages entirely...
I don't do many events, and even less blog about it. Yet I was active, just more backstage as headcounter and organiser of a
rather well known reenactment group than on the virtual plane.
On the sewing front - there were new items made, some eaten (by the bane of all reenactors - moths!), new friends made, some others lost to the summerland.
In the last couple of months medieval activity started to intensify again, and I found that I would like to have an archive to look back on things, like
I have for the period around 1800.
I didn't sew any new things this year, or rather, I didn't finish them (apart from new stockings and a pair of new sleeves) A new kirtle* is still in the making, the sleevils are waiting now for months to be done.
I organised two events though, Köniz & Lenzburg, and I think the participants were more or less happy with my work, and we are already working a couple of months on Nykobing 2018.
I took up the harp 3 years ago, and waited 16 months for my little gothic one (not an exact replica, but the medium range, until I am proficient enough to upgrade), what requires me to take time to practice.
And last, but not least - I've got married in 2012 (and yes, Monsieur did come along to a travel to 1461 this year)
What I've found over the past few years - and it rings as true today as it did in the past - that Slow-Reenactment actually works out for me.
Slow-Reenactment translates into "Don't buy / make quickly, but wait until you can afford to buy or to make the best quality of the item you need."
Believe me, it takes a lot of stress out of the hobby, and gives me the liberty to concentrate on other things, like the background work within our group.
My dresses are still decent, even if a couple of years old (admittedly, the indigo starts to fade or rub off at some bits), and a couple of stains won't wash out, yet a pair of new pin-on sleeves made the whole dress good for another year and satisfy my female vanity.
If I am invited to any event (apart from our own events I rarely participate, I neither have the health nor the time for field camps anymore), I have all I need, and even more important - it's a small enough baggage bundle that I am actually able to transport it myself on public transportation!
a quite moment in Köniz. Photo by SD Reeves |
So, what is brewing?
- I'd like to go to Dijon this winter, to see if I can't find some more input for a work about fashion we're editing.
- I'd like to finally finish the sleevils of that kirtle*
- To find time for my tablet woven belt. I know, a weekend would do, and I have my hopes set on the Christmas break.
- Practice writing. I need a better hand to note down music, my current scribbles are a disgrace.
- Add some bits and bobs to this blog as I go along.
*I use kirtle as the most easy to understand description of what I am working on. Depending on where you are, it can also be called: a dress, a gonne, ein Kleid, ein Hauskleid, une robe etc.